Congrats, New Partner. Now, Get Back to Work.

If it’s March, that means there’s a boatload of newly minted law firm partners stepping out into the world.

Congrats! Your elevation to partner is a real achievement, the culmination of dedicated effort and professional progression. If you need some validation, this is it. Take a brief step back and let it sink in. You did it.

Now, get back to work.

As you no doubt know, becoming partner comes with added responsibilities, like client development, that will demand even more of your time and energy.

Own Your Brand

Consciously or not, you got where you are today, at least in part, by your ability to market yourself, inside your firm and outside. In your evolving new role, amplifying yourself individually alongside your firm’s brand is paramount.

Want even more help promoting yourself? That’s why we’re here! Muse Communications was named one of Texas’ best legal public relations firms by the readers of Texas Lawyer.
Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Many law firms with in-house marketing departments devote most of their resources to promoting senior partners who have already cultivated their professional networks. Still, it’s the junior partners who can really reap the benefits of marketing. If your firm has an in-house marketing department, take advantage of their resources. But if internal marketing support is limited or unavailable, you will need to flex your entrepreneurial muscles.

  • Cultivate your network: Your elevation to partner is the natural touchpoint to reconnect with your clients, former clients, and your professional network. Take a moment to review and curate your email list and send an update to your network regarding your new role. If you don’t have such a list, this is a great time to create one, keep it updated, and get in the habit of staying in touch. This article is a great primer on using email to nurture your referral network.

  • Polish your online presence: Ensure your profiles on platforms like LinkedIn and bar association directories are current and reflect your new status. Submit “on-the-move” notices to the legal and professional publications and alumni organizations.

  • Content marketing: Your new position provides gravitas to share your expertise. Create a schedule to publish articles, blog posts, and LinkedIn updates on developments in your practice areas. Repurpose this content for guest articles in legal trade publications and, importantly, publications your clients actually consume. This article gives an overview of content marketing for lawyers and law firms.

Keep The Momentum Going

Remember that your achievement is a milestone, not a finish line. More so than ever, success in this profession requires continuous evolution, adaptability, and innovation. Take a moment to acknowledge this important achievement before leveraging your new position to start sustained professional growth.

And, of course, if the pros at Muse Communications can be of assistance, drop us a line.

Robert has decades of PR and marketing know-how. From big firms to startups, he dives deep into each client’s business to craft authentic stories. When he's not helping clients, you might find him cursing while renovating a vintage Airstream.

He can be reached at


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